August 12 2012
BDSM questions: Ask them to Doctor Charley Ferrer on the BDSM Radio site.
Source: - - USA
USA - We have a real BDSM expert aboard at the Cage & BDSM Radio. Sexologist Dr. Charley Ferrer from the U.S. will answer all your BDSM questions in English. You can also set questions in Spanish. Doctor Charley is famous in the U.S. with her expertise in BDSM and appears regular in the media. She has also written two BDSM books namely: BDSM The Naked Truth
, and BDSM For Writers.
As the technique will cooperate she create podcasts for BDSM Radio.
Click here, to her ask section and see the link to mail her your questions.
We are glad that we welcome Doctor Charley.
See also her video's on: